Biomat is looking for a solid and trustworthy partner that believes in our mission of providing the best high-value-added products for the diagnostic sector to exploit the great opportunities of expansion.
Below you can find the market overview and brief Biomat financial results outlook.
Please write to us at to request more information if interested in this opportunity.
Too often patients get prescribed the wrong treatment due to the wrong diagnosis. Treatment and vaccines are just part of the solution, first of all you need a correct diagnosis. If you know what’s making a patient sick in terms of an infection, you can more accurately address that infection.
Until the COVID-19 pandemic the diagnostic sector was struggling to get investments and attention. Unfortunately, the lack of investment in diagnostic testing has been brought to light by the worldwide pandemic and the consequent need to identify infected individuals as well as to control the rapid spread of the infectious disease.
Not only low and medium impact countries but also the most developed countries have faced the lack of research and the shortage of diagnostic tests.
Now more than ever, the global situation has proven that the right diagnostic tools have a direct impact on the worldwide healthcare system, enabling faster and more accurate treatment, and also on the socio-economic balance of every country, since many governments are facing the great challenge of prioritizing lives over economic stability, two matters that are tightly correlated.
Biomat’s continuous investment in research and the 30-year-long expertees in surface modification treatments has allowed us to build a strong and leading position as IVD manufacturers. Moreover, in the most recent years Biomat has increased its worldwide presence in the diagnostic field: our products are sold in more than 35 countries.
This year the Sars-Cov 19 pandemy opened new opportunities and accelerated our growth: we acquired new customers and extended our presence into new high value markets, fostered by the need of materials for serological tests and R&D.
According to a recent Research Reports World’s market study (July 2020), over the next five years the Microplates market will register a 2.6% CAGR, the global market size will reach $ 644.9 million by 2025, from $ 582.1 million in 2019.
In recent years Biomat has built a strong growth thanks to its investments in R&D and sales and marketing.
Biomat’s CAGR over the past 3 year has been >22% and EBIDTA >30%, building the company’s financial health and consolidating its position in the market.
In recent years we increased our sales (+ 27% YoY in 2020) and acquired new important customers that warrant the basis for a strong revenue growth.
In the next 3 years we focus to increase the sales of high margin products addressed to the R&D field for diagnostics and pharmaceutical applications, with the target to reach a 30% portfolio share of these products (currently 12%).
At the same time we are constantly focusing to decrease the cost of production thank to:
- Larger volumes of sales
- Increased sales of bio-coated products, which have higher margins
- Growth in the US market
- Further steps of automation in production and more efficient moulds
The first target of a partnership is to reach >4M € sales within 3 years with EBIDTA >35%.