Biomat PCR Coated Tubes and Plates offer a viable support for the development of Coronavirus COVID-19 PCR Tests Kits for life science manufacturers and researchers.
During this extraordinary time, Biomat is committed to providing researchers and organizations with the necessary products and services for pathogen detection, vaccine development, and drug discovery against COVID-19.
RT-PCR Tests
Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) disease detection is currently done by molecular recognition through Realt-time PCR Assay Testing (polymerase chain reaction) using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for diagnostic purposes.
However Real-time PCR testing cannot detects if the virus was encounter in the past, for this serology testing through ELISA assay testing with ELISA plates, which checks the antibodies in the blood, will be a much more effective system but have not proven reliable yet.
It does not exist one single RT-PCR assay test for the the detection of COVID 19 (SARS-CoV-2) but different protocols have been developed around the world for diagnostic purposes..
Below a non-exhaustive list of different RT-PCR protocols as shared by WHO:
- China CDC Primers and probes for detection 2019-nCoV (24 January 2020)
- Diagnostic detection of Wuhan coronavirus 2019 by real-time RT-PCR – Charité, Berlin Germany (17 January 2020)
- Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in suspected human cases by RT-PCR – Hong Kong University (23 January 2020)
- PCR and sequencing protocol for 2019-nCoV – Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (Updated 28 January 2020)
- PCR and sequencing protocols for 2019-nCoV- National Institute of Infectious Diseases Japan (24 January 2020)
- US CDC Real-Time RT-PCR Panel for Detection 2019-Novel Coronavirus (28 January 2020)
- US CDC panel primer and probes– U.S. CDC, USA (28 January 2020)
- Real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 Institut Pasteur, Paris (2 March 2020)
PCR Tubes and Plates for Coronavirus COVID-19
Streptavidin Coated PCR Tubes and Plates have proven a reliable support for binding biotinylated molecules and therefore, we believe, can offer a simple and sensitive solution for COVID-19 detection, drug discovery and vaccine development.
Biomat offers different viable formats of Coated PCR Products :
- Streptavidin Coated PCR 8 Strip Tubes
- High Binding Streptavidin High Binding PCR 8 Strip Tubes
- Streptavidin Coated PCR Plates
- High Binding Streptavidin High Binding PCR Plates
Biomat also offers PCR Tubes, PCR Plates and 96 Well Plates with different surfaces. For more information about all Biomat PCR Products.
Why Biomat Streptavidin Coated PCR Tubes and Plates can be suitable for Coronavirus COVID-19 RT-PCR Kit tests?
Streptavidin coated surface on Biomat Streptavidin Coated PCR Products offers a powerful and universal instrument for binding any biotinylated molecule (Proteins-Peptides-Polysaccharides-Oligonucleotides-DNA fragments-etc.) finding a special application for those molecules which do not offer reliable bonding by passive adsorption or adsorb in an unfavourable orientation.
Coated PCR Product Application
Streptavidin Coated Tubes have proven effective to bind biotinylated transposome complexes to the PCR support for surface-based tagmentation.
ILLUMINA CAMBRIDGE LIMITED patented the method of preparing an immobilized library of fragmented and tagged DNA molecules on a solid surface (Biomat PCR Tubes). In particular embodiments, the solid surface comprises immobilized transposomes in a dried format, suitable for reconstitution upon contact with liquid, such as a liquid sample.
About Coronavirus COVID-19
COVID-19 was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019 and quickly spread around the globe due to its high infection rates. At the current moment Italy is among the most impacted countries alongside US, Spain and Iran.
For any updates on the evolution of the virus check: World Health Organization COVID-19 news