Biomat is not affected by Coronavirus

Biomat is a worldwide manufacturer of Plates and Tubes for ELISA and PCR Assays Tests with leading expertise in surface modification.

Biomat laboratory

Biomat has not been affected in any way by the Coronavirus and is operating at its full production capacity, so we are available for new business opportunities.

We would like to reassure long-term clients and prospects that:

  • Biomat and its suppliers are not affected whatsoever by the virus
  • Biomat’s production is running at full capacity
  • The virus only spreads over direct personal contact of infected people
  • Our government in Italy has put really strict safety measures into place to contain the contagion
  • In addition, we have implemented a new protocol as an extra protection precaution


To guarantee our commitment to Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Solution Biomat has developed a thorough business continuity plan to support your needs but also that we have implemented a strict protocol to guarantee the safety of our workers, partners, suppliers and their families.

Continuity plan

  • Supplier capacity assessment and identification supplier risks
  • Development of an alternative supply plan
  • Continuous monitoring of logistical status
  • Transparent customer’s communication

Stakeholders Safety Protocol

After the outbreak in Italy Biomat has immediately developed a Safety Protocol to preserve the health of all its stakeholders (suppliers, employees, partners and customers).

  • Thorough hygienisation of Biomat building and all its rooms
  • No external visitor and no travel policy
  • Development of an Employees Healthy Guidelines Manual for best practices guidance (minimum distancing, common area, personal hygenisation, rooms hygenization etc.)
  • Employees signed an agreement with Biomat certifying their compliance to Government and Company guidelines
  • On-site employees limitations to the ones directly involved in the production
  • Smart-working was implemented for all other employees
  • COVID-19 insurance integration coverage.

Biomat strengths remain:

  • Top-quality products (ISO certified) 100% manufactured in Italy/Europe
  • Best in class quality control protocols
  • Strong investments in R&D and continuous partnering with our clients for new cutting-edge products
  • Strong focus on our customers’ needs and 100% product personalization
  • Coating services with proprietary methodology
  • Best in class lead time (<2 months)

Do you have any questions or concerns?

Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss future requests and how to support you with your needs.

Looking forward to doing business with you.

Gabriele Marmieri
Managing Director

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