Biomat Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Solution

Biomat is committed to offer Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Solution for: pathogen detection, vaccine development, and drug discovery.

Biomat is a worldwide manufacturer of Plates and Tubes for ELISA and PCR Assays Tests with leading expertise in surface modification.

A new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and since then has been spreading globally very rapidly. The new Coronavirus disease has been called COVID-19 and is characterised by fever, loss of taste and smell, cough, and shortness of breath.

By now the COVID-19 Sequencing has been isolated in different parts of the world but researchers are still working to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 to develop effective treatments and a possible vaccine.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease detection is currently done by molecular recognition through PCR Assay testing (polymerase chain reaction) using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for diagnostic purposes.

Researchers are also already working on a ELISA Assays testing for the recognition of antibodies produced by the immune system against the virus.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Solution Commitment

We are glad to announce Biomat’s full commitment to work with companies and labs developing RT-PCR and ELISA Assay Kits to fight COVID-19 spread by offering the best prices on the market and giving our maximum support and collaboration.

We offer a wide array of products for research for RT-PCR and ELISA Assays and we believe the following will provide the best support for Coronavirus COVID-19 pathogen detection, vaccine development, and treatment discovery:

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can fight together this battle.


To guarantee our commitment to Coronavirus COVID-19 Research Solution Biomat has developed a thorough business continuity plan to support your needs but also that we have implemented a strict protocol to guarantee the safety of our workers, partners, suppliers and their families.

Continuity plan

  • Supplier capacity assessment and identification supplier risks
  • Development of an alternative supply plan
  • Continuous monitoring of logistical status
  • Transparent customer’s communication

Stakeholders Safety Protocol

After the outbreak in Italy Biomat has immediately developed a Safety Protocol to preserve the health of all its stakeholders (suppliers, employees, partners and customers).

  • Thorough hygienisation of Biomat building and all its rooms
  • No external visitor and no travel policy
  • Development of an Employees Healthy Guidelines Manual for best practices guidance (minimum distancing, common area, personal hygenisation, rooms hygenization etc.)
  • Employees signed an agreement with Biomat certifying their compliance to Government and Company guidelines
  • On-site employees limitations to the ones directly involved in the production
  • Smart-working was implemented for all other employees
  • COVID-19 insurance integration coverage.

More info:


For more up-to-date information on the current coronavirus outbreak, visit the WHO  websites.

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