96 Well Plates

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Biomat provides top quality 96-Well Plates for Immunoassays, available in different layouts, formats and colors to fit specific diagnostic needs.

Microplates, also named generically plates, are rectangular multiwell plates that you can find with 6, 12, 24, 96, 384 and 1536 wells...
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Most popular plates are 96-Well Plates and they are used in a variety of assays from ELISA to PCR. For easily sample identification plates vertical rows are typically labeled with numbers while horizontal rows are labeled with letters. 96-Well Microplates by Biomat are top quality 96-Well Polystyrene plates made for specific assays applications like ELISA, Chemiluminescent (CLIA) , Luminescence (LIA) and Fluorescence (FIA). Biomat provides Clear 96 Well Plates, White 96 Well Plates and Black 96 Well Plates in order to satisfy any specific customers’ needs. Clear 96 Well Plates are more widely used, while Black 96-Well Plates are used when there is a specific need to minimize background in fluorescence reading. On the contrary, White 96 Well Plates are used to give maximum reflection and to minimize autofluorescence and autoluminescence. Our full range of 96 Well Plates for assays include Breakable Strip 96 Well Plates,  Strip 96 Well Plates , and Solid 96 Well Plates format and are designed with a flat bottom, suitable for the different customer needs. On request, Biomat is available to cooperate with you to customize your plates. Some example are:

  • color coded strips: available on every type of surface; color is marked (only one color for 96-Well Plate to be chosen from those available) on the upper rims
  • number coded strips: available on every type of surface; number codes are marked on the edge of the strip
  • own brand name insert on the frames

A full range of 96-Well Plates ISO certified and designed to allow the maximum flexibility to the user.

Biomat 96 Well Plates have a flat bottom and they have been designed and improved throughout the years to be compatible with the most common instruments on the market. Also, Biomat provides Coated Plates treated with several coating protocols in order to suit every laboratory need. Check-out the complete list of Surfaces. We strongly value our customers’ satisfaction and that is why we focus on the quality of our products since 1992 to offer 96-Well Microplates that are competitive with the market leaders and therefore are also ISO Certified. For this reason we have implemented a rigid Quality Control protocol that guarantees lot-to-lot reliability and well-to-well reproducibility.

Biomat 96 Well Plates features

Biomat Microplates’ layout and characteristics offer the best performances thanks to the following features:

  • the 96-Well Plates are manufactured in pure polystyrene with low fluorescence
  • the plates’ mould design provides optical quality, important to reduce the background signal
  • the wells inner bottom radius edge improves the efficiency of washings
  • the external lid warrants vertical alignment when using single microplate wells
  • the rim protects the external face of the bottom from scratches
  • the microplates 96-Well by Biomat comply with SBS standards and the design assures a good performance in automatic processing plant
  • all Biomat 96 well plates are flat bottom plates. Flat bottom 96 well plates are designed to optimize the transmission of light, making them ideal for bottom-reading assays using plate readers or microscopes. The flat surface ensures that light can pass through the samples without any distortion or interference, allowing for accurate measurements and observations. This makes these plates a great choice when conducting experiments that require precise analysis of samples using optical instruments.

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